Friday, December 21, 2007

White Christmas

It is snowing in Ventura County!

We took Mailee to the snow last night. Well, at least to the Simi Valley Town Center. They have a snow show each night around their amazingly huge Christmas tree. There was a live brass band with players dressed as Nutcrackers playing Christmas carols. It really was a treat for us all. It was so fun to see her run around in the "snow." Mailee loved it!

She is so incredible! What a reminder of the gift of youth. If we live through our children, we get to be kids all over again!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I go to the Town Center weekly after I drop Abbey off at her class on Friday in the am. I noticed that they had a "snow" each night. Sounds like it was really fun for Mailee as well as you and Johnny! It is so fun for kids to see stuff like that! We had a cabin in Wrightwood when we were kids and I just loved watching the snow fall and going out and playing in it.