Friday, December 7, 2007

Fa La La La La!

Since Johnny showed me that I can get streaming (commercial free) Christmas music on my computer, and since I work all day on the computer, I pretty much have Christmas Carols going all the time.

Mailee was sitting in her high chair having some Cheerios while I was working. I looked up to catch her dancing and singing along to the carols. She loves to sing along, though she has no words yet. I love that she loves music as much as I do! And she seems to be just as into the Christmas season - Hard to Believe!

(We'll work on not singing with food in her mouth later!!!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, my gosh, it must have been so much fun to watch! You need to get film of her or still shots & get them into a video clip for us to see! Ask Christi how! Lots of Love and Prayers!