Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Day!

What fun is Christmas with a 2 year-old! Everything was a pure delight to her.

On Christmas Eve night she went to bed at her usual 8:00 and woke up at 8:20 telling me, "I'm Done!" That started a very long and excited night, not sleeping more than 20 minutes at a time until she finally passed out at 3:00 until 6:40. At that time, I told her it was still "Night Night time" and we all went back to sleep. At 7:40, she informed me "It Cissmass. Hanta come!" That was it. The visions of sugarplums kicked into action and she was adorable to watch and to live Christmas as a child vicariously through!

1 comment:

Christi and Abbey said...

Footy PJ's, yay! That is too funny that she didn't sleep. You are going to LOVE the little kitchen. Did grammy get that? We are missing ours, Abbey played with it all the time, and I am sure she will again. It's the gift that keeps on giving. My friend Ashlee (Quinlee, Margo, and Jade) is using it while we are gone.
Love and hugs to you all!