Tuesday, November 4, 2008

We Made It!

A few thoughts on traveling cross-country...

1. The scenery does not change from Pasadena through New Mexico.
2. You can pack a million DVDs, doesn't matter! A 2-year-old will only want to watch 2 of them over and over (and over!)
3. If it ever is a trivia question to quote the Curious George movie, I would win. I have never actually SEEN it, but I have now heard it from the back seat about 25 times!
4. Texas is HUGE! I thought we had to be close to through it after driving FOREVER...Then I saw a sign that said, "Welcome to West Texas!" Aaargh!!! You have GOT to be kidding!
5. I always thought it would be cool to eat at Sonic. Not really! They have good drinks and the rest is nothing special!
6. Gas is only $1.97 starting in Texas and east. We thought that was a mis-print at first.
7. Mailee's idea of sharing the bed with Mommy is to sleep horizontally in the middle and graciously allow me to use the 4 corners.
8. People in Louisiana do not speak English, I think.
9. No matter what happens tonight, McCain wins according to a lot of people in the McDonalds somewhere in Texas.
and 10. I have a new favorite quote that I came up with myself..." Red Neck is a state of mind, NOT a state of state!"

We made it safe and sound to our new home. I will upload pictures soon!

The Mississippi Minitellos

1 comment:

Mick and Caitlin said...

Hahahaha! That's hilarious! Glad you made it safe and sound.