Friday, April 11, 2008

Twinkle Star

Today Mailee and I went to our first Mommy-and-Me Pre-PreSchool class. It was SO much fun! The whole focus is on getting the kids to socialize, build large and small motor skills and coordination, and to start to be exposed to aspects of "school" like sitting in a circle, singing and finger playing, sharing, etc. Mailee was one of the youngest ones in the class, so she got to watch the older ones and figure out how to play with the PlayDough, games, and puzzles. She even went down the slide all by herself (and not the "baby slide" either!) What a big girl!
She wasn't so much into sitting in Circle for more than a minute, or so, but she will get there! (I hope!) She also didn't smile the whole time. She was having a good time, I guess school is just very SERIOUS BUSINESS for now!
I didn't get to take any pictures of her, she was too busy moving for me to get a good shot. Maybe next time. Next week, we go on a Field Trip with the class to the park to do outdoor activities and feed the ducks! What fun!

Each week, they make an art project. Today, Mailee painted a "Twinkle Star" so I went out and got a bulletin board so that we can display her masterpieces in her play room.

1 comment:

Teacher Mary said...

I am so glad you both had such a good time. What a brave girl going down the big slide! I am sure that once she adjusts to how things go in the school she will be her usual smiley self! Lots of Love and Prayers!