Tuesday, March 11, 2008

18 Months Already!!!

Today was so cool! Since moving back to the Santa Clarita Valley, we have had to change a lot of things (obviously!) One of those things was Mailee's pediatrician. I was so excited to see that one of my pediatricians from when I was a little tyke, was on our insurance list. Not only did Dr. Feldman remember me, but she seemed to have a photographic memory for my whole family (and various illness and ailments) even from more than 20 years ago!!! She also thought it was very fun to now be the doctor for MY daughter. What a blessing that she is still practicing here and will take amazing care of Munchkin Mailee!

So for those who have been following... Here are the latest stats:

height - 33 1/4 inches -- 90th%

weight - 26 1/4 pounds -- 77th%

She has totally caught up from the 7th% she started at just 18 months ago!!!

She also got 3 shots today and was quite a trooper. In this picture you can't see the 2 band-aids hidden under her skirt. She actually loved getting "stickers on her legs!" What a clever nurse!
(Oh yeah, and she is again walking in "Mama Shoes"
all the while, keeping a very protective grip on her milk! Talented girl!)


Anonymous said...

She is so so big! We miss you guys. Thanks for keeping up on the blog. Courtney and I check it nearly every day.
Give her a kiss for us!

Teacher Mary said...

She is one funny little chickie--just like her Mama! That is so cute that she is sharing a pediatrician with you! That is so nice that he has such a good memory about your entire family--gives me such a warm fuzzy feeling!
It is hard to remember her being such a tiny little thing since she has grown so darned much! I am glad that you have found a good church. We sure do miss all of you!
Lots of Love and Prayers!