Sunday, June 15, 2008

Quiet Time

The other day, I had a phone conference call, so I was in the other room, but listening to Mailee play. Soon, I realized she was babbling every word she knew. Looking into her room, I found her "reading" to herself, turning the pages and saying her words. "Mommy Daddy George Bubble Cracker" ... etc. All without losing the pacifier she apparently found on the bookshelf. She would put down one book and go to her bookshelf, carefully pick another, and return to her big chair. She entertained herself this way for about 30-45 minutes! Other than a dozen books on the floor, what a dream!!!

By the way, for those of us old enough to remember... Doesn't she look like the Incredibly Shrinking Woman in this chair??? Tee Hee!

1 comment:

Teacher Mary said...

How cool is that! Keeping herself occupied by reading! What a riot she is! It must have been fun listening to her throw out all the words she knows! Lots of Love and Prayers!